Accidental Content: 2009 Mortgage Crash

In the ‘Hallway Interiors’, the spatial aspects are my primary interest and the ‘content’ or subject is the pictures within the painting. While not consciously trying to document the terrifying crash of the mortgage crisis of 2009, I discovered after the fact that this group of paintings perfectly captured it.

Someone racing to bring some news, while a character digests in an unsure posture. Fight or flight?

Herald, 2009
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches

The bankers in charge of the shell game that is modern finance

Shell Game, 2009
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches

So many people getting caught in a bad situation.

The Hammering, 2009
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches

The party is over and everyone is gone, including the light in ones eyes.

Emptied, 2009
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches

The notion of retirement in comfort is further away.

Comfy Chair, 2009
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches

This could be titled ‘the new haircut’

Happy Couple, 2009
oil on canvas, 1 of 3
14 x 11 inches