
I have always loved brushwork for its own sake. I love it on Sargent’s clothing, and in Resnick and Guston field paintings. I follow that tradition, but use it in context of an interior space. A floor turns into a wall and dissolves into a swirling void, an expanse that transcends simplified descriptions of walls/furniture/interior. Something about seeing the expected plane turn into the sublime dance paint and brush gives me joy.

Interior with an Opening, 2022
oil on canvas
40 x 30 inches

Interior with Rifts, 2022
oil on canvas
30 x 40 inches

This painting does hold more meaning for me It is a tearing apart of the cultural fabric over absurd false dichotomies. It is as absurd as fighting over whether a slice of cake or a donut is better.

Interior with Conflicted Rug and Yellow Chair, 2023
oil on canvas
24 x 18 inches